ask questions, learn and support the #blacklivesmatter movement....
Muted and listening that’s how it started last week on Instagram.
You know you have to do something when you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that does not let go. This past week was planned completely different. It was supposed to be colors and rainbows, fun, cute and happy as usual, but I just couldn't. The only conversation I can have right now is about racial injustice. As a family of many colors, we face racism in a lot of ways, some are very subtle others more blatant. Sometimes it's so little that you barely notice or frankly get used to it. BUT WHY?
Why do people of color have to make the extra effort and strain themselves just to be treated the same way a white person would be treated?
I'm so saddened and shocked, AGAIN, by what’s going on in the US right now and the unnecessary and violent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breanna Taylor and countless others before that. These are someone’s sons and daughters ….it could be ours! And no, it's not just in the US, it's here in Europe as well as in many other countries. It's my responsibility, as a mother and also with my public platform, to use my voice and help with whatever I can to be part of the solution to end racial injustice and try to make this world a better place.
Therefore I have designed three different patterns that stand for
UNITY, LOVE and PROTECTION. All proceeds through June 2020 of these patterns will be donated to NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People , it was founded in 1909. The NAACP is the US's first and largest grassroots-based civil rights organization; check out their page for more info. Also my dear friend Natalie Santini is donating the proceeds this month of her fantastic Santorini Tote to the NAACP as well.
How about sewing a Santorini Tote with one of my patterns on it and
take a stand against racism? And while you're at it, read her great blog on injustice and human rights. I will do my part by asking myself uncomfortable questions as well as listening to the community and most importantly my children. The events of last summer (BLM protests and COVID-19) saw many people rally to support Black-owned businesses. Sadly, since summer ended, people forgot to keep sharing and supporting these businesses. I just found a new article with links to more than 150 Black-owned businesses. I was so happy to see that people still care about helping these companies thrive. So there are always ways to keep supporting! And in case you need mere reasons than the obvious to support #BLM, check out this great blog, 10 Reasons to support #BLM.
Have you ever wondered what you would've done during pivotal moments in histroy?
This is the question @wastefreemarie asked on her Instagram account. And it was such a 'OH YES OF COURSE' - moment for me! The answer is: How you act NOW and I will add to this, how you act ALWAYS! Check out her instagram for really excellent information. I think now is a great time to listen. Some examples of the beautiful work of all the pattern testers and makers online: Share your makes on social media and use #joejuneandmae so we can cheer all your beautiful work, and if you want share it here on my blog. Shop all the patterns here And to finish, I want to share a textile Artist who makes my heart sing. Her work is beyond amazing. The fabrics she uses and the expressions of her quilts are absolutly stunning. BISA BUTLER I just cannot stop looking at them...... I am looking forward to hearing from you all, and seeing your makes with these patterns. Best always Ingrid xx PS: I am super proud and happy to announce, that we collected 860,78 Euros with these patterns through the month of June 2020. I decided to personally fill the gap, to get an even 1000 $, which we donated on July 8th to the NAACP. Thanx so much for everyone who participated, you guys rock !!! xx
Ingrid Alteneder Archive
March 2022